
Building a Culture of Data Literacy Through Data Storytelling

MX Bites / June 23, 2023

The current industrial revolution operates on the currency of data.  Therefore, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to learn the nuances of accurately communicating with data and building a data-driven culture. Data in its raw form is complex and difficult to understand until it is refined into relatable terms. While data analysts and data-based industries may be able to read and understand data, they must realise that not everyone can do this. To embrace the culture of inclusion so that everyone can relate to what the data is communicating, data storytelling must be incorporated. 

It’s a system placed to bridge the gap in communicating ideas with companies, and essential stakeholders or decision-makers in the organization. With data storytelling, everyone is empowered to understand data and flow with it. In the rest of this article, we’ll show you how to embrace the culture of data literacy and how it helps your company to grow.

The Culture of Data Literacy

To build a culture of data literacy, the concept must be understood in detail. Data literacy is the capacity to read, comprehend, generate, and transmit data as information. It is the ability to interpret data, particularly the ability to analyze graphs and charts and derive inferences from data. The culture of data literacy is simply creating an inclusive system to help everyone to read and understand the language of data.

In today’s data-driven world, organizations and individuals must be able to make sense of the massive volumes of data that are churned out daily. If not, they will have drawbacks and be unable to meet up with the fierce competition out in the world today. Besides communicating with people outside your sphere of influence, your employees and customers must be able to understand and make sense of data, too. While it may be easier to influence your employees into becoming data literate, it may be a little more difficult to include your other  

But then, the process becomes swift with Data Storytelling.

How to Create a Culture of Data Literacy?

To create a system where data literacy is prevalent, companies must first teach their employees how to read and analyze data, by subjecting them to a series of data training. New research proposes that about 80% of employees are likely to stay in an organization that offers data training. This is closely related to the desire of employees to meet up to the productivity standards set by the organization. Without thorough training, they are likely to slack in their duties and feel less motivated or insecure about their job, which, in turn, result in their resignation. 

While data training is important for employees and key decision-makers in the organization, it is more pivotal to empower everyone to understand data through Data Storytelling. For efficiency, consult experts in this field to humanize data and create visuals and compelling stories that everyone can relate to. Through data storytelling, both employees and important stakeholders in the organization are able to emotionally connect with the data and decipher what progressive action needs to be taken.

While the aforementioned insights are important, making data accessible to everyone is a more crucial method of developing a strong culture of data literacy. The modern-day business world uses data fabric which is an architectural approach that makes data easier to access employees, depending on their unique workflow. When access to data is simplified, employees are empowered to make decisions towards growth.

Importance of Data Literacy

According to Tableau, about 70% of employees worldwide are expected to heavily use data in 2025. This equally means that every employee will be required to use data in more years to come. Even presently, organizations that do not incorporate data literacy will be unable to compete globally. Therefore, if you are willing to scale your business to the top, embrace the culture of data literacy. It’s effective for improving productivity among your employees and helping you to make smarter decisions at every point in your company’s growth. 

Conclusively, as the business world pivots towards data literacy, you must imbibe the act of data storytelling to communicate with important stakeholders in your organization and to understand your place in the competitive world and what decisions to make to get ahead in your enterprise.


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