
Top Employee Engagement Strategies for Championing Talent Retention

MX Bites / September 5, 2024

Talent retention is a top priority for any company that is intentionally building a positive employee experience. When talent retention is not achieved in an organization, it disrupts organizational stability and impedes the progress at which goals are met. 

Therefore, it’s not enough to hire the top talents in an industry; the major work lies in keeping them engaged by elevating your employee engagement strategies. How can you achieve this? It’s straightforward: find out what makes them happy and give it to them for the rest of their stay in your organization. We’ll discuss more about this in the body of this article. 

It’s also important to note that employees can get tired of their dream jobs if they are not properly engaged. It takes more than an attractive salary to retain top-rated employees. So, how can you keep employees excited at work every day of their lives without getting bored? First, let’s observe the importance of employee engagement.

The importance of employee engagement in talent retention

Employee engagement can simply be defined as the act of keeping your employees physically and emotionally invested in your organization. These actions are taken to meet employee needs, improve the employee experience, and ensure long-term happiness. Employee engagement is a means to amplify the most valuable resource in your organization, which is human resources. It makes your top talents feel valuable, find purpose in their job roles, and live fully invested in the success of your organization. 

Knowing this, you should be fully invested in your employee engagement because it is the most profound means of giving your employees the best experience.

Employee Engagement Strategies for Championing Talent Retention

The following employee engagement strategies have been proven to be best for talent retention in 2024:

  1. Provide a system for work flexibility: No matter how excited employees are about their job opportunities, they will be discouraged if it gives them little or no room to attend to their personal lives. If you really care about your employees, you should provide them with a flexible structure that accommodates their personal lives. In fact, it is the strength and refreshment they get from their personal lives that fuel their commitment to work. If all they have to do is go to work, they will be drained faster and quickly lose the excitement with which they started the job. In some cases, you need to permit some employees to work hybrid or remotely so they can attend to their personal needs and also create more time to hit their work target.
  2. Create personalized career development plans. If your goal is really to keep your employees for a long time, then you must also set up structures for their growth. So, ensure that, no matter how long they choose to stay in your company, they always experience exponential growth in their career journey. Nobody wants to feel stuck at a place. The mistake that many companies make when carrying out employee empowerment programs is that they generalize it, forgetting that all employees have different goals for their careers. It’s important to take note of each of their goals and create a personalized career development plan that aligns with each goal.  This will make them appreciate their experience more and feel happy to invest themselves in the goals of the organization.
  3. Prioritize recognition and awards: Employees hate it when their efforts are not acknowledged or rewarded. It could create a subtle frustration that makes them tired of the job. As an employer or business manager, never get talents on a job without acknowledging their accomplishments. When they hit their monthly talent, create some sense of importance around it. You could go to the extent of weekly selecting employees according to their performance and label it “employee of the week.” When they achieve bigger goals, you could go to the extent of organizing award ceremonies at the end of every year or recommend employees for bigger opportunities outside their work frame.
  4. Introduce wellness programs. Let your employees know the importance of keeping fit and prioritizing their mental health. Encourage them to rest when the going gets too difficult and makes them feel mentally stressed. Also curate a physical fitness plan for them so that they can engage in it frequently to keep fit. Allow employees to take breaks periodically when it’s necessary for them to rejuvenate.
  5. Create a good system for leadership and communication. The beauty of leadership lies in providing a perfect example for people to follow and also influencing them to take the right path. Let leaders in your organization be open and freely communicate with employees. Encourage them to be empathetic and considerate. One of the ways to do this is to create an environment for employees to freely air their opinions, thoughts, and concerns without fear or judgement. 

Aside from the five solid points listed above, there are still other strategies that could be curated by the organization to improve employee engagement, some of which include inclusivity, in which everyone in the workplace is equally respected and valued. Also, make sure that the top talents have access to technology tools to aid their work productivity and increase their satisfaction.


One could conclude that retaining top talents demands that you cater to every aspect of their lives, because that’s the only way they can feel comfortable for a long time. You should also ensure that they are experiencing growth on their career journey and that their efforts are recognized and appreciated. When employees enjoy flexibility in a healthy work environment, they are likely to stay longer because workplaces that create such benefits are rare. The beauty of retaining top talents is that it helps you build faster and gain a competitive advantage for lasting impact.

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