
Understanding the Secret to Sustaining Employee Loyalty

MX Bites / July 15, 2024

Nowadays, it takes more than offering a competitive salary to sustain employee loyalty. Employees are more purpose-inclined, and they crave to find fulfillment in their job roles and workplaces. This suggests that employee loyalty can be influenced by helping each employee find fulfillment in their job roles. 

A Mckinsey research survey reveals that 70% of employees confirmed that their sense of purpose is attached to their work, which also proves that, as a business leader, you have a role in helping employees find fulfillment in their work. This will help your organization to reduce turnover rates, improve employee engagement and productivity at work. 

Though this article centers around helping employees find fulfillment in their job roles, it provides more details through multifaceted approaches that aids their purpose fulfillment.

What Purpose at Work Entails

It’s quite difficult for employers to sync the individual purposes of employees with their job roles, however it is possible to achieve. One could describe individual purposes as something that matters to people, causing them to have an intense sense of fulfillment, no matter how hard it takes them to achieve. 

In helping employees to find fulfillment in their job roles, it’s important to know them, what really matters to them, and what they want to spend the rest of their lives doing. Knowing this will help you assign roles appropriately to employees and tailor their experiences according to their uniqueness and help them find satisfaction in their job roles. You can do this by scheduling interviews with them or assigning team leads to closely observe each employee, to know where their strengths and interests lie. 

While this may seem a little more specific for individuals, there are other general and essential elements that contribute to helping employees find fulfillment at work and boost employee loyalty.

Why Employee Loyalty Matters

Employee loyalty matters because it is the secret to organizational stability and speedy business growth. Employees who have stayed longer in an organization and have become accustomed to the values and principles of the organization are best inclined to move the vision forward. It’s better to pay the price for sustaining top talents than to allow employee turnover and hire new employees. Aside from the time wastage it causes, it is also more expensive to train new talents.

Having seen the importance of employee loyalty and how helping employees to find fulfillment in their job roles can foster sustained employee loyalty, let’s consider other elements that contribute to this subject.

Key Elements that Sustains Employee Loyalty
  • Positive workplace culture and environment: 

Every employee seeks to work in an environment that supports their mental and emotional wellbeing, and upholds values that align with theirs. A positive work environment supports flexible work hours and offers options for remote work, so that employees can create time for other aspects of their personal lives. As business leaders, you should understand that for you to help employees find purpose in their job roles, create flexibility around the working hours so that they can connect with other parts of their lives that matter to them more. For instance, no employee will be loyal to a company that gives them little time to spend with their family, no matter how good the compensation. Also, create a system for diversity and inclusion to create a sense of belonging among employees from different backgrounds and different demographics.

  • Employee empowerment schemes:

One of the most devastating things for purpose-driven employees is finding out that they are not growing on their jobs. It could lead to employee attrition or lack of engagement. Therefore, as business leaders, you should always be on the lookout for how to introduce empowerment schemes, mentorship opportunities and training programs to help employees get better at their jobs. If you want better results in your company, then you need to empower the employees to get the job. Not only will this help your business growth, it will also boost employee satisfaction. Employees are more likely to stay in organizations where they can evidently see growth in their results.

  • Employee engagement and team building:

As humans, we all crave to find a sense of belonging and we express it by choosing a community to associate with. But then, it’s one thing to belong to a place and it’s another thing to feel the sense of belonging. Hence, companies should create structures that fosters unity and togetherness amongst employees. These include team building activities, employee recognition programs, and creating a feedback culture to help employees air their opinions for prompt actions to be taken in response to it.

Asides from offering a competitive salary, including all these elements in your employee experience will help employees to find satisfaction and fulfillment in their job roles and workplace, hence fostering employee loyalty. It’s advisable to start taking conscious steps to create a workplace atmosphere that supports employee loyalty, early enough, to avoid the setbacks that come with high rates of employee turnovers.

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